Saturday, August 24, 2013

Just a short break.

Just a quick update to let everyone know that the Angels of the Road . com website will be going offline as of the end of this month.  It will be down for about 3 months (or permanently) depending on the status of the domain name 3 months from now. It is the only way for me to sever ties with my old domain provider and that is what I wish to do. Around December 2013 we will have a newly formatted (possibly renamed) Angels of the Road website to support this blog.  

The blog will still be here with all the old journey stories and even new ones appearing from time to time. I would not wish to disappoint any of the wonderfully caring / curious people from all over the world who visit the Angels of the Road blog. Russia visits a couple of times each month with double digit hits.

To summarize website will be gone blog will remain. Anyone wishing a copy of the research report can email me through my other website

Have a joyous day everyone.