Saturday, November 6, 2010


People often say to me, “I could never do what you do.” To some people that means, working with street people and the homeless. For others it means giving up the security of a steady pay check to make this journey. For others it is about sleeping in strange places, surround by strange people. For some it is about being face to face with real poverty in our own backyard… I'm pretty sure I can't NOT do what I do..
When someone says “I could never do what you do”… I can’t help but think about all the things I could never do. And I want to take a minute (a blog) to share some of them. In no particular order I want to thank pedicurists, dental hygienists, hairdressers, hospice workers, personal support workers, geriatric care workers, nurses, paramedics, life guards, doctors, accountants, daycare providers (I like little kids in numbers fewer than 6), statisticians and cable guys. These, off the top of my head, are just a few of the people who make this world a better place and to whom I can honestly say, “I could never do, what you do.” I especially want to thank the sweet young woman, who spends every waking hour appealing to the alien forces not to annihilate human kind. Her arguments are articulate and well thought out…and near as I can tell they must be working. My only thought is… what terrible burden for one person to have to carry… “I could never do what she does”, I only hope I can prove worthy of her efforts.
Every one of us can only do… what we can do. Whether, it is a moment of kindness by word or deed or a lifetime committed to a cause (or a person)… joy is derived from sharing ourselves. Using the Buddhist metaphor, we are all pebbles in the stream (of life), it is inevitable that by touching the world, we change it. So try to keep your heart open, and your touch gentle. You are making a difference, by being you.
Have a joyous day.

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