If I haven’t said it before I do love this neighbourhood. There is something about the DTES (Down Town East Side) that brings out the activist in a person. It isn’t just me, agency workers, residents, and local businesses, even the street people will stand up and be counted on the issues involving this community. A few weeks ago I ran into a young man who used to be a client of the D.I. He moved here 2 years ago and now runs a community garden down on East Hastings. I can’t be entirely sure if this place brings out the best in people or if good people migrate here because the need is so great.
A few days ago, I spoke about the censorship of a poster of the grim reaper which hung in our neighbourhood fire station. I don’t know where David Eby lives but the general consensus around da’ hood is that, “truth, be told”…. Deal with it. As I past the fire hall on my way home tonight I was afforded the opportunity to enjoy someone’s rebuttal to this particular censorship issue.

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